Thanks for the kind words.. it's great when you guys show up and kick me around the map some mornings, I had a poor level 4 this morning (a true level 4) I almost felt guilty at one point and let him cap most of the map and thought man this is how you guys must feel playing with me at times.. lol.. So some mornings are like that where seeding is just waiting around for you guys to wake up I know the evening and weekends are where all the action is, this is by far the best server out there as long as you have a competitive spirt and don't turn into a baby / take your ball and go home simply because you are playing against some world class players who are going to school you hard.. It's like I tell my kid who is convinced that everyone who kills him is cheating (on the Xbox) I say, you will never get better playing against those who don't challenge you, go back in there and play with them, learn something. The same can be said for what he has picked up on this server, he mops up the Xbox now after playing on this server with you guys. It's a lot of fun, and it never gets old..