I appreciate the attempt to broaden and change the battlefield franchise, but you shouldn't neglect the fanbase that built the game for you in the first place. And you certainly shouldn't be attacking them either. Battlefield, while arcade in nature, was reasonably historically accurate (Prior to 1 at least), or based on actual technology.
My primary concern is how little the trailers have explained the presence of women on the western front. It could be the worst-case, where it's been co-opted into history, or there's an actual explanation for the character's presence on the field (maybe underground or resistance?). There's no information, and people aren't happy... and EA being EA, means we won't get any information on it, or we'll get "Pride and Accomplishment" again.
I'm very much playing wait and see, but so far I'm disappointed how much it plays like Battlefield 1, instead of going back to something more similar to the previous games that people actually liked about the series. Graphical and audio quality has never been in question. DICE always delivers on that front, but their choice (and quality) of gameplay varies from game-to-game, and I think they're aiming in the wrong direction.