Sure thing and I completely understand As for BF4 I used the name ColCamelToes for like the first 6 months of playing, then I changed it to ZugzwangGroo, for a few years, and just about a year ago I changed it to TheABCCameper. How did I get the name The ABC Camper you might ask? From my wife !!! lol. She liked to watch me play sometimes and after a while she noticed that I only chose to cap the A.B and C flags. And not only that she noticed that I if I am the first of my squad to approach an occupied flag, then I never attack and that I try to take cover till I have more support from my squad mates or other players on our team. Then even then, I wait till my mates attack and try to cover them as they enter a flag. To me , what support is supposed to, so she decided to name me The ABC Camper lol I have never been pb banned or anything like that, but I have been vote kicked from time to time on various servers,( including AARP ) for going on lucky win streaks. I dont get offended at all, it happens to all of us from time to time and I take it as a compliment and a sign that I might need to take a break , listen to some Zappa, and smoke a bong hit or something lol