Damn Whitey the lawyer prosecuter joke is still going over your head. No matter we can agree that Evan/Carl is a jerk and I will second your nomination for a ban so I don't have to read his BS any longer.
A little unfair of you to say I go to the defense of R6V2 Members right or wrong. If they have a problem they better be right or they can fuck off just like any other player on the server regardless of clan affiliation.
As for your threat about taking Samantha back you would be doing me a favor. I did run our contract through a real lawyer and we deliberately left that loop hole and it came in handy. You see I took her to the vet to have her put down and they wanted $200.00 to do it but now you are taking her back so you can deal with it. She has a bad case of the mange that she got from one of you pervs and half of her wool has fallen out so she is not much to look at any longer. But if what you said about licking ass is true get you a bottle of wine and go for it......................STRYKER.