Importen arguments. You have all good suggestions. I Think F is very importent if we cant take D as Dan say. And as ArtOfWar say, a good used missile truck can be a big problems ...
I talked earlyer about a defensive "Group" and a more offensive. My idea is that some of us are better to play offensive, aggresive as taking flags or hunting ther tanks, AA etc down. Planes could be very offensive but helis defence flags, attacking ther tanks etc. Ther could jeeps whit c4 be a good part too.
Other players is better too "sniping" (i hate sniper tanks..), they nearly "freeing the tanks or footsoldiers whit javelin, laser and so.. Just too defense already taked flags..
Im not shure if we all moved togheter when we attack, we can for shure take the flags, but we will att the same time leave other flags alone or whit too small defense..
AA? Who can handle the AA in a very good way? The only person i know is Freemason-Death but he is not in our clan. Some other in our clan is also good, but they are sadly enough also good in tanks. I Think AA can be a very importent compliment too helis and planes. Most serious Clans i have seen are
often very good in the air...
This is just my own opinion, nothing else..