I got vote banned too. They voted me because i wasnt moving up in the AA, the reason for not moving was just got jet rammed by team, taken to half health and then had slams and mines placed on me(now becoming a one shot) but its my fault cause i want a high K/D. Now i know i sound like a baby but getting called useless even tho i will go 30/3 on aveage as AA and the last game i when 46/4 so i have some problem with that. I love the 24/7 server for Golmud railway but to get banned cause people are dicks is kinda bs and the chat log will read me asking for help for someone to shoot off the explosives but no read that.
but its my fault cause i want a high K/D
I can sit way back and still pick you off Blunt Specialist
:director: If I had to decide, you would not even drive a Jeep, maybe a picnic east of b would be best for you, and for everyone else ......
You just don't seem to understand Spore, that is why the rule exists FOOL! Cause ANYONE good can sit way back and still pick people off... THE AA IS OP, so we have a rule against AA camping.
Just so everyone knows, I saw Spore in the server, just yesterday, I'll give everyone ONE guess where he sat ALL game AGAIN.. I didn't even need to vote for him AGAIN, he was still gone within 20 seconds.. for 60 minutes.
Also, just for the record, if I have a decent gunner, and we are aiming for you, it is usually you who dies, not us..
SporeJones, seriously, hows about you test out those tiny little balls of yours, and stay in the abc area? I wanna see how long you last THERE, not back at your uncap.
:director: If I had to decide, you would not even drive a Jeep, maybe a picnic east of b would be best for you, and for everyone else ......
:director: If I had to decide, you would not even drive a Jeep, maybe a picnic east of b would be best for you, and for everyone else ......
Do I see a bit of hostillity towards those lovely AA fighters Kroll ?
Invite them in to your tank and make them sit down and get cozy with you instead ;-)