lol.... "knees hurt when i jump!" bwwaaaaaa... yeah, that is why your knees hurt!
If your going to buy new graphics card buy the GTX 1080 ti cost less than the RTX and performance is about the same for way less money .do a bit of research on youtube there a few reviews that will help u decide..I have 1080 watercooled and overclocked and my results r close to the overpriced RTX PS No Games utilize the retrace tech yet
I will stay with 1080 they should drop couple 100s surely get 3 in Sli that will be my target.
I also have a 1080 Asus card and am contemplating SLI versus 2080ti. My problem is that I can't find the same 1080 card in stock (canada, memory express my favorite retailer).
My 2 issues with adding card for SLI is availability and the damn things never really drop in price and all of a sudden they are gone. Any tips? I have this same issue with upgrading CPU end of life.
Just gonna leave that here.
Another site said a majority of the complaints are limited to the founders addition. I wonder what thats all about.