Well this is just confusing. I understand some parts, but other parts assume you have some knowledge on this stuff.
It does say "Twiddling the router’s QoS might make a difference, but it’s a hassle, and only helps a bit. Instead, you are going to have to take charge. Once you fix it for your own network, it’ll stay fixed for all time, and you won’t be subject to changing practices at your ISP or other vendors.
You need to find a router whose manufacturer understands the principles of bufferbloat, and has updated the firmware to use one of the Smart Queue Management algorithms such as cake, fq_codel, PIE, or others. Here are some resources:"
So I guess first I need to find out if my router has Smart Queue Management algorithms (which I doubt). I don't think I can change my router because the router and the cable box came together and I assume they work in unison. So, "If you can’t get SQM/fq_codel in your router, your strategy should be to adjust the settings to control queue lengths first, then think about QoS." This is where it assumes I have know anything about what any of this is.