The last time my internet went down, I discovered this thing I had only read about online, it is called the "out-of-doors." I went to this place, whereupon I had to squint, but over the hours and days, my eyesight became strong and I discovered birds singing, fish swimming and the dangers of electric scooters. As I became more confident, I ventured farther and farther a field, whereupon I met a nymph frolicking by a vernal pond. She beckoned me forth and I discovered she was unclothed and unshorn. This aroused certain feelings down below unfelt by me for ages as my internet viewing device only displayed fascimilies of the female form. I immediately disrobed and we swam naked together like disoriented tuna for hours and hours. But after enjoying a full 45 seconds of carnal pleasures and to my great surprise, I discovered that I added a full two and one quarter inches to the length of my Mr Happy. (thankfully, my ruler tatoo on my abdomen finally paid off). Seeing that she was greatly satisfied, okay, maybe partially satisfied, okay, not satisfied at all, I ventured forth and to this day, I never fret when my interwebs go down, because you never know what you'll find in the great out-of-doors!
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