Wiz, just out of curiosity, do you use a flightstick? When I installed BF4 and started playing, I couldn't pair my flight stick with the game and gave up flying.
Wiz, just out of curiosity, do you use a flightstick? When I installed BF4 and started playing, I couldn't pair my flight stick with the game and gave up flying.
Wiz, just out of curiosity, do you use a flightstick? When I installed BF4 and started playing, I couldn't pair my flight stick with the game and gave up flying.
Hey M8! This is my setup............If you can swing it use KB and mouse....... I have been on a Joystick since the 90's and cant switch......... BF4 should have no problems with a stick. Let me know if I can help you set one up.......