This is very hard for me being the shy, meek, passive, introvert that I am to bring this to any ones attention but I will give it a shot. Nah no one is buying that shit so I will get right to the point !!
I was playing the other day when at the start of a round x_Donald_Trump_x put in the chat box "Everyone get STRYKER". Now me being the nice guy I responded with some thing like "Oh no Mr. Trump" and was promptly kicked from the server by the filter. The scary thing was I just went to black screen instead of defaulting back to Battle Log. I am thinking now what the fuck went wrong with my computer and almost shit my pants. Now I don't know if this was intentional bating on Trump's part or if it was just an honest mistake. My question is why are people allowed to use names that trip the filter?..............STRYKER.
I was playing the other day when at the start of a round x_Donald_Trump_x put in the chat box "Everyone get STRYKER". Now me being the nice guy I responded with some thing like "Oh no Mr. Trump" and was promptly kicked from the server by the filter. The scary thing was I just went to black screen instead of defaulting back to Battle Log. I am thinking now what the fuck went wrong with my computer and almost shit my pants. Now I don't know if this was intentional bating on Trump's part or if it was just an honest mistake. My question is why are people allowed to use names that trip the filter?..............STRYKER.