Mass Effect, not Andromeda though.
omg YES that triology is solid, gameplay is fun. I CANT BELIEVE andromeda was so bad.... also assasins creed 2, brotherhood, revelation triology is kinda fun... only character from the hole franchise that I actually cared about, Ezzio Auditore... also Assasins Creed III is cool... Las of us series are superb, the first tomb raider: a hero is born, from the new franchise is great, half life, splinter cell conviction its a great one, Dead Space is pretty cool, Ghost recon wildlands, not breakpoint, wildlands is awesome..
Red Dead Redemption 1 is awesome, of course 2... Now if you really wanna go immersive and freeky you can play Fallout 4 and mod the shit out of it, it can be any game you want, also the expansions from the comunity are amazing: Depravity, Outcast, Valkyrie, etc...
For any story game (not BF4 lol for that use low settings) I would recomend using and/or a ENB fileter. You can color correct and really bring those graphics out, sharpening, xmao, flares, etc. .. setup fake anamorphic bars and throw some digital flares and gaming is like a movie.