V3RTIGO_PR have you ridden in a tank with jsimpson,RedKilla, and Red_Dawn? That is the real test of being worthy of joining AARP Platoon. Let me know when you have completed that mission and you will have my full support. Your intro was also a little lame, you neglected to state you hug puppies and love long strolls on the beach at sunset. There are a lot of Navy Vets in here and they always want to connect things to water for some reason. Hell I think they all have to have a faucet running to get a hardon. I have seen you in game a few times, but can't remember squading up with you. But keep playing the server and posting in here and after a few key blow jobs you may be a member of AARP. P.S. I will P.M. you the key names for the blow jobs. If I have offended you in any shape or form deal with it you thin skinned little pansy ass. Now the rest of you fuckers off the lawn, Santana leave Monster for his steak tips............................STRYKER.