wow didn't know you guys read fox news. Though most were democrats due to admins muting folks who say they love Trump? I have sent Xmas cards and birthday cards to our President and he always answers them with my Name. I cry every time. I adore Trump. I would gladly give up my life and Becklers too so he could live just a few minutes more past his time. I know He sometimes sounds maybe a lil strict. The alternative is 9/11. We can not be gentle or nice. We are a superpower and the world depends on us. I really doubt he can survive a second term? He would be in his almost 80's when he's done second term.
I have lived through presidents since Harry Truman to now. I have seen them come and go. Maybe one day we afford a Bernie or even a Pete. Don't think we're ready yet, What do i know? right I use law missles and slam mines to kill yall.hahaha . *Caretaker gently pulls Toby away from the computer and wheels him away for his Psy meds*