Yeah, that air to ground and air to air parachuting is some wily shit, particularly when the center of the map and all the territory backward towards the winning team's base has already been zipped up.
It becomes Fortress Golmud--lockdown--game over, man, game over ...
That said, a lot of my favorite in-game moments (not pyrotechnics but close games and real effectiveness) seem to have stemmed from pounding that A-B-C triangle (hey there's a euphemism for ya).
And it would seem that so many times we end up pulling back from a several hundred point deficit, it's because of 5 man squads on A-B-C with no stragglers (because, really, those that are a taco short of a combo plate need to get booted so they can drool over themselves where [F]ools congregate). VoIP comms preferred, of course, but not required. Just doing your job and honoring the cockroach code: you may kill me but a handful of seconds later I'll run right at you again (unless you turn the light on in which case wtf?).
I am one of those that console my shot-to-hell corpse with the words "you ever see 6Kings on a flag? yeah, me neither"--but (first of all, that's hyperbole and second) I totally get it--somebody's got to maintain the barrage. And, 6Kings, when you've got backup ... woe are the boots on the ground and low-flying air isn't much better off.
Long story short: Roberts, hell yeah, man--get into the TS and on a regular basis, almost any day of the week you'll have 3-4 and frequently a full 5 doing the squad thing justice (though infantry only happens 1/3 of the time or less, I'd say).
That said, refinements could be made--squad leadership (and squad member adherence) could use some tightening and soldier type and kit type need the right breadth/diversity to keep an infy-only squad nimble and efficient (see Hades for details on that side of things).
As much as I enjoy BF4, it often feels like it only halfway lives up to its full bright & shiny promise of coordinated, fully fleshed-out squads acting in near (if not complete, inhumanly possible) unison.
And that's one reason to keep playing. Inching toward that beacon.
BTW--just read your most recent msg-- and TheABCCamper is your man--his dream is just that, squad-only, A-B-C only and K/D be damned, not to mention the rarified Fine Arts that are tallied at the end of a game.