Shooting from spawn clarification


New member
Jan 15, 2024
Sacramento, Stupidfornia
If a player, vehicle, or aircraft retreats into their spawn while actively being pursued and engaged by the enemy, can a player return fire while in spawn? This controversy came up during a game on 10/10.
Another question: If a player places C4 onto his jeep while in spawn area, can an enemy MAV destroy the C4, thus killing the C4 placer?
Thanks in advance.
If a player, vehicle, or aircraft retreats into their spawn while actively being pursued and engaged by the enemy, can a player return fire while in spawn? This controversy came up during a game on 10/10.
Another question: If a player places C4 onto his jeep while in spawn area, can an enemy MAV destroy the C4, thus killing the C4 placer?
Thanks in advance.
1st question, yes
2nd question, no..thats shooting into base, just like you cant laze into base either
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