Overclocked_eniac is using racial slurs and threatening others. HeiligeScheibe is back at it again. Too high a K/D ratio. Left when ExtremeDiesel entered server, came back after XD left. Many others complained about Heilige, needs to be banned.
I don't think anyone realizes that the server logs chat messages.
I don't think anyone realizes that the server logs chat messages.
Well the server doesn't. But Procon does. I run it on all three servers. There is always two sides of the story of what happens in the server. And then there is the truth in the chat logs. I don't have to refer to the logs very often but when I do it comes in handy.
i have zero tolerance for it. and they are getting creative with how they say it to bypass the filters.
i will stop playing for 5 minutes to find them, ban them and make sure they understand why.
I was in the server for 4 games never showed up, though I am glad that Whitey saw him.