It is unlikely there is a double-niche audience. There are not many HC lockers/metro meat grinders. Besides, you already get those maps on the HC server anyways.
It is unlikely there is a double-niche audience. There are not many HC lockers/metro meat grinders. Besides, you already get those maps on the HC server anyways.
Basically imagine getting a grenade launched down your throat every time you fucking spawn. Due to it being hardcore you don't survive even a somewhat distant blast. But then add the fact that your teammates are launching them just as much as the enemy. The sheer anger of going 40-50 because of grenades would drive me up the fucking WALL. Remember to bring flares for the flir boys.
Right now its only running Lockers, so technically its 24/7. At some point and with a more steady population a few other infantry maps will be added back.
Ok, I got kicked about 30 minutes ago on RC1, no big deal since I'm not a clan member. But now I can't find any aarp servers except for RC2 Hard core? I've tied searching for it but can't find anything else. Any suggestions? Never mind, Red just said most are down.