No it's true, i've never cheated in Battlefield 4 or any other video game that i've played as an adult (i'm 49), and i've played quite a bit. I think what i'm dealing with is either One, hate (the kind that's usually directed at snipers (campers) with some hate towards me personally, since just before the ban I remember players referring to me as 'toxic' (i'm not very sociable when I play and I think there's a lot of players that don't like me and the way I play.) or Two, using boulders and buildings for cover and having it been mistaken as 'wall hacking'. Sometimes when i'm prone on a boulder I can see through it , which would obviously be an exploit and cheating if I were to use that advantage. However, I don't. No really, I actually despise cheaters...immensely. I move or crouch or whatever so that I am not gaining that advantage, well and also because I don't want to get banned. So much for that idea lol. I've only taken to sniping for the last year or two. But mostly I was an engineer, and I hated snipers cuz they were never capping or in the fray. So that's it in a nutshell. I have been banned because my play was mistaken for wallhacking, or because someone/people just don't like me. Can't you just say something? I'm not there to ruin your fun just tell me and i'll play on another server or whatever. But a global ban for either or even both of those reasons is not a bit harsh? Thanks.