Don't know if it is me? or a product of the servers?


Clan Member
Once the game starts, I can play as usual, until for some random reason I can't spawn anywhere, not spawn, not in any vehicle, not on a flag, or not on a teammate. This can last for minutes, then it just stops doing that, and I am able to spawn again.
Anybody have any thoughts on that? Odd right!
Once the game starts, I can play as usual, until for some random reason I can't spawn anywhere, not spawn, not in any vehicle, not on a flag, or not on a teammate. This can last for minutes, then it just stops doing that, and I am able to spawn again.
Anybody have any thoughts on that? Odd right!
If you play M&K try a different mouse, might not be registering? Or try changing your key-binds.
Could it be the glitch where you’re actually spawned in and it keeps you on the deploy screen? Next time it happens try hitting escape and redeploy button see if that fixes it.
Once the game starts, I can play as usual, until for some random reason I can't spawn anywhere, not spawn, not in any vehicle, not on a flag, or not on a teammate. This can last for minutes, then it just stops doing that, and I am able to spawn again.
Anybody have any thoughts on that? Odd right!
Yeah that's strange. If you think it's a windows update related issue try uninstalling the update.

Windows 11: Goto Start > Settings > Windows Update . Update history - Uninstall updates, find the last update(s) and uninstall.

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