When I think of tank campers this is the first name I think of. This guy has been playing our server for a long time and doing the same thing over and over and it is a pain in the ass. He takes a tank and sits back as far as he can and takes shots at who knows what. Yesterday Kroll asked him to move the tank in with no results. Then Renders got into a verbal exchange with Animalllllll about camping the tank. He had the audacity to mock Animalllllll about his negative K/D at which time I told him that was because Animalllllll was trying to cap flags. There are request to kick him in the chat window and more so in team speak. Going against the three senior admin's thoughts that there are several tanks and one hanging back doesn't hurt the team much, I say bullshit. Conquest is a team effert map and if your full team isn't pushing you are at a distinct disadvantage. There are game formats suited for this type of play like Death Match and TDM and this is where these asswipes should be playing. So I guess I am seeking permission to bring names in front of the Seniors and Moderators for a vote on addressing chronic tank campers. I am also seeking a five day ban for DocRenders in hopes word will spread and people will quit doing it............STRYKER.