Not really tbh
The AARP joining guidelines specifically emphasize that AARP is about having fun. Anyone that has played with me knows I am entirely about having fun and playing the game.
This was not a formal application. I was simply fishing for interest and seeing what the feedback might be. Clearly not so positive lol
EDIT: Whitefish, I assure you my maple syrup stock is as big as the plains are wide, eh
No attitude, my friend. Drama was not my intent but I understand how it's being interpreted.
There is no AARP Discord but my username is XtremeDiesel#2560
The Official AARP TS is
Welcome Queef-la teafa
That's how he is guys...Ive spectated enough in the HC server to see his kind of humor. He ok in my book
If AARP had a mascot... BECKLER
I dont know this BECKLER but I feel like we'd get along