Username: majormalfunction
In-Game Name (Required) Majormalfunkshun
Age (Required) 59
Location (Required) Thermopolis, Wyoming, USA
Games (Required) BF4, BF2042, Just Cause, Crysis
Any Prior Cheat Convictions (Required) No
Previous Clans (Required) Made up one, GWC - Golmud Wrecking Crew
Reason You Want to Join (Required) I probably know most of the AARP clan by now, I've been on the 24/7 GOLMUD server for several years and really enjoy the players that are members. They (for the most part) are very respectful and supportive, leading to awesome gameplay compared to other servers where its dog eat dog.
Additional Info I would like to join but I understand that with dozens of apps a month not everyone can join. I will keep on playing along side of the AARP guys either way. Thanks for the opportunity and the great servers.
Do you have discord? Yes
In-Game Name (Required) Majormalfunkshun
Age (Required) 59
Location (Required) Thermopolis, Wyoming, USA
Games (Required) BF4, BF2042, Just Cause, Crysis
Any Prior Cheat Convictions (Required) No
Previous Clans (Required) Made up one, GWC - Golmud Wrecking Crew
Reason You Want to Join (Required) I probably know most of the AARP clan by now, I've been on the 24/7 GOLMUD server for several years and really enjoy the players that are members. They (for the most part) are very respectful and supportive, leading to awesome gameplay compared to other servers where its dog eat dog.
Additional Info I would like to join but I understand that with dozens of apps a month not everyone can join. I will keep on playing along side of the AARP guys either way. Thanks for the opportunity and the great servers.
Do you have discord? Yes