Username: Dodge_Viper
In-Game Name (Required) DodgeViper_UK
Age (Required) 31
Location (Required) Bristol, England
Games (Required) BF4
Any Prior Cheat Convictions (Required) No
Previous Clans (Required) LMA, NO
Reason You Want to Join (Required) Played soley RC1 for a few years now. I kinda like being an independant but do like you aarp guys so thought maybe it's time to apply.
Additional Info Ummm, well my name is Luke, I work for my family as an electrical engineer. I've played PC games for over a decade now. I only really play BF4 but I have played other games online competativly in the past - used to play RTS games but have played a few shooters too (Battle for middle earth, company of hero's 1, left for dead, zombie army trilogy, halo 1 combat evolved and halo 3).
I do have a microphone and I sometimes talk if I'm in the mood to talk haha. But I prefer not to talk most of the time as I concentrate better without talking and I'm a bit shy if I'm not familiar ahaha - even though Im a loud mouth in chat.
Do you have discord? No
In-Game Name (Required) DodgeViper_UK
Age (Required) 31
Location (Required) Bristol, England
Games (Required) BF4
Any Prior Cheat Convictions (Required) No
Previous Clans (Required) LMA, NO
Reason You Want to Join (Required) Played soley RC1 for a few years now. I kinda like being an independant but do like you aarp guys so thought maybe it's time to apply.
Additional Info Ummm, well my name is Luke, I work for my family as an electrical engineer. I've played PC games for over a decade now. I only really play BF4 but I have played other games online competativly in the past - used to play RTS games but have played a few shooters too (Battle for middle earth, company of hero's 1, left for dead, zombie army trilogy, halo 1 combat evolved and halo 3).
I do have a microphone and I sometimes talk if I'm in the mood to talk haha. But I prefer not to talk most of the time as I concentrate better without talking and I'm a bit shy if I'm not familiar ahaha - even though Im a loud mouth in chat.
Do you have discord? No