Yeah, you have to remove the health element as a motivator, it's a cruel world when it comes to that stuff, healthy people who never smoked or drink getting cancer or having strokes, see it all the time.. Then you have my hillbilly Irish family who drinks and smokes and eats terrible and they still live into their 90's .. It's all a crap shoot.. If you don't mind the risks and enjoy something then do it, but if you want to quit something for whatever reason boy you better have a good purpose or quitting just because ends up being a long string of tomorrows and another days..
I really enjoyed smoking, and generally speaking I don't care what people think of me or am easily influence.. I quit on the account of I would rather spend that money elsewhere and that's about it.. Cigs were like $3.78 a pack when I quit, now they are up to $9.00 , it's highway robbery ..
I worked with a guy who's brother who lived for years on deaths door awaiting a liver transplant, finally the day came through and he lucked out and managed to get a new liver.. a year later he came down with liver cancer and that liver he received was the death of him as the cancer spread throughout .. That's why I take a view of well when you number is up it's up , still look both ways before you cross the street anyway ..