i dont understand why i am being banned. i am only playing the game the way it was intended to be played and trying to have fun in the process. i do not hack or use any kind of cheats, also i have not used any foul language or racist remarks. it doesnt seem fair to be banned from a server for "farming". i could see if i was killing the population, but the server was full when i was banned. How am i suppose to play a game that i enjoy playing if every admin bans players for just being to good on a server? the server literally says no rules no admins no complaining. if farming is a banable offense then why is it not in your rules? or why is there not a killcap? it seems like an abuse of power for someone just trying to have fun playing a video game. if dice did one thing right with the newer versions of battlefield its getting rid of to much power to the server holders. thank you for taking the time to read my post. MyCampGround.