I was unfairly banned, never used cheat or other means of cheating. I always obey the server rules. A high KDR ratio cannot be used as proof of cheat use.
Na print is in Portuguese and says, "You got kicked out by an administrator. Reason:" but don't give the reason. And now I just went to the server and got this message from BAN. "Motivo: PunkBuster permanent ban issued on this Game Server for player '730_Mdr4n' ... Prior Kick/Ban"
Because I have platoon friends who play jet and helicopter, I created this account to kill them and zuar. They also called me HACKER. if you go to bf4db my old nicks are about to knock down jets. references to "superiority" of antiaircraft.
Yeah dude you lost your case in my eyes, as soon as you said another account.
I am with the other Fish on the one dude.
Look's like you are going to stay banned on that account.
What did you say your other account handle was?
Another account so my friends don't know it's me. To partner a new player, another nick, just kidding. Never watched a video of someone dressed in velvet carrying weight? that's pretty much it.