Golmud map 12:45 May 15 2019 Player xDanda Russian side harasses Scubasteve in aa with other vehicles hitting form behind so as to make the myself not
able to preform duties. Moving forward how are we going to deal with these sorts of situations as I asked any admin in game to help.
no help was forth coming. As realistically admins are not on all the time. Recently when I play there have been a few instances of this. It does take away from the game as
a tank and an aa are both out of action. no disrespect what should we do?
able to preform duties. Moving forward how are we going to deal with these sorts of situations as I asked any admin in game to help.
no help was forth coming. As realistically admins are not on all the time. Recently when I play there have been a few instances of this. It does take away from the game as
a tank and an aa are both out of action. no disrespect what should we do?