we need someone that knows MySQL to help us reinstall our stats database for the servers. Anyone here know it and willing to help?
10 years ago I could have helped out, but I havnt messed w/ SQL since forever. Id be wary of letting just anyone 'remote in' and do it themselves, though. Whats the issues your having? Is there no documentation w/ whatever package your attempting to install..?
Agree that we have to be careful with the access....
we had someone that knew it before but they are no longer around. we need the MySQL instance created and restore our DB to instance. then we can point Procon to that instance and get our stats back.
we just don't know the tools well enough.
we have a webhost instance that includes unlimited MySQL databases.
we need the MySQL instance created and restore our DB to instance. then we can point Procon to that instance and get our stats back.
I forgot to add, if someone asks for a backup of your database, saying they'll work on it and send it back for you to look at, there's a good chance they have access to forum userids/passwords/email, if you have one SQL massive database for everything.
Let me make sure i'm following you... So you have an old SQL stat database backed up, and you need a new one made, at which point you need all the old stats moved over into the new one. Then you can point the Procon plugin to the new database for it to function.
I'm reading the Procon install txt now, and it says 'After the first start the Plugin will connect to the MySQL database to automatically create the tables for the Plugin.'
Could you install run Procon now, have it set up the required database fields in a current database (or make a new one if you dont have one), then just use a SQL command to copy the old stats into the new database?
(except redkilla, he is useless :glee
I know it MySQL, I can prob walk you through the syntax to dump then import, generally (in my experience ) the export import is rather straight forward, then you have to muck around with the grant and permissions like blind man's bluff unless the permissions were previously documented.