AA Tips & Tutorial


Registered User
Jan 11, 2018
Hello all,

Just thought I'd share some of my tips for using the AA.

First off, if you're gonna use the AA understand that YOU are the backbone for the offensive line. You provide

- Suppressing fire
- Diversion
- Air defense

That said your main priority should always be AIR TARGETS. Your armor and infantry can't do SQUAT unless you keep the air away from them. This doesn't always mean you need to shoot the jets and choppers down, it means you need to remind them that they can't move around the map as freely as they want to. That's how you help your team. Sitting in the base or on a hill shooting Active Radar missiles does NOTHING for your team. NOTHING AT ALL!!!!! If you don't move up with your team they will lose, they will hate you and they WILL start ramming you, trolling you and bothering you. I can't stress this enough. I've seen it so many times where an idiot AA driver sits back and does nothing while the team is shouting "WHERE THE FUCK IS OUR AA?". The entire time he's still back there ignoring the pleas for help. There's nothing more annoying than this type of gameplay in the AA.

So, how do you become effective? Here's how.

1. MOVE WITH ARMOR!!! It's a symbiotic relationship..... Help them and they will help you. As they move up stay close to them and keep the air off their asses so they can move on flags. This will really help the team sweep their way across the map. It will also make the jet and chopper whores aware of who they should be focusing on.. YOU. This is great, if you can get the enemy jets and choppers to focus on you, they will focus less on the armor and infantry thereby allowing your team to coordinate their efforts and take flags.

2. KEEP MOVING!!!!! Don't stop in one place for too long. Keep moving with your team so that you're not a sitting duck for JDAMS.

3. Move across the map and not parallel to it. For example in Golmud, move North to South and vice versa. Giving your enemy a moving target that is moving across their field of view is harder to hit than one that is moving towards or away from them.

4. SPOT SPOT SPOT!!!!!! Spotting not only tells your team where your targets are, it also gives you a nice red icon that you can see through clouds, smoke, buildings. It's like a temporary wall hack so use it!!!!!!

5. IF YOU CAN SEE IT YOU CAN HIT IT!!! Although choppers and jets waaaayyyyy off in the distance can't be killed, they CAN be hit and trust me when they are hit while flying in areas they think are relatively safe, they get nervous and re-think getting in close to the battlefield. It keeps them away and that's what you want.

6. ONLY USE ACTIVE RADAR!!! Your job is to take out air, not tangle with armor or infantry. Do that when the air is suppressed. ACTIVE RADAR SHOULD BE YOUR ONLY LOADOUT!

7. ONE MISSILE THEN GUNS!!! I do this all the time. Let's say you have multiple air targets, how do you keep them from raping your team on the ground? Easy. Fire one active radar missile on a target then switch to guns and lead fire their asses into the ground, if you don't kill them you can bet they have taken a lot of damage and have backed off. This saves your missiles. TRY TO AVOID SHOOTING 2 MISSILES AT THE SAME TARGET.

8. DON'T BASK IN YOUR KILL!!! Once you have suppressed an air target either by shooting it down or making it go away for a while immediately move to the next one and make it go away, then the next and so on.

9. BE MINDFUL OF THE CHOPPERS AND JETS!!! Remember that when you shoot them down now you are on THEIR hit list. They will come back with their fangs out and thirsty for your blood so remember the respawn times for choppers and jets and look for them because trust me, they are looking for you.

10. USE TERRAIN TO CONCEAL YOUR POSITION AND HELP YOU ESCAPE!!! I love this one because it's so much fun to be in a spot no one expects, make a kill and move on. I usually sit next to a big rock covering one side of the AA so I'm not out flanked, then I make a kill and move to another spot. If a tank comes at me, being next to a rock allows me to evade and/or escape while spotting and *hopefully* getting help from my teammates in the armor. This is why I always say to stay very close to the tanks. A lot of times I've escaped just by circling a big rock while the enemy tank driver is trying to get a shot on me and by the time he's laid one or two shots on me MY tanks are on his ass helping me. It's amazingly fun to watch :)

11. LEAD LEAD LEAD!!!!! Lead firing is sooooo important in the AA. It's what separates the men from the boys. If you don't know what lead firing is Google it! there's a lot of great info out there and way too much for me to get into but basically it means aim and shoot where the target WILL be and not where it is at. I can lead a jet high up in the air with an AR missile and at least cause it to deploy ECM/flares. This makes him stay all the way up there longer because you can bet he won't make an attack run without countermeasures at the ready. This is an art and a skill that you will improve with time as long as you practice it.

12. COMMUNICATE COMMUNICATE!!!!!!! Don't sit in the AA like some retard all quiet and antisocial. USE THAT CHAT FUNCTION!!!! The more your team knows where the enemy is the better they can help you help them.

13. BE DYNAMIC!!!!! Move with the flow of your team and the battle. Guarding one flag like a dumbass makes you an easy target and very predictable. I see this all the time in Golmud where the AA driver is sitting near the F flag being pretty much useless. What the fuck is it about a stupid rocket truck that make you people whore F so much? I don't get it but I digress... Be aware of your squad and your team's objectives and help them out as much as you can.

14. ACTIVE PROTECTION IS YOUR GOD MODE!!!.... OK to be fair it's mine. Some may prefer the fire extinguisher which prevents a mobility hit and heals you faster. I've tried it but I always find myself going back to Active Protection. It works for me. Use what works for you.

15. YOU LIVE BY THE AA YOU DIE BY THE AA!!!! Every time I've gotten out of the AA to repair it I know I run the risk of getting killed so try to avoid getting out of it. If a tank is coming at you and you have no back up plan/escape route or tank to help you out it's not gonna make a lick of difference to get out and try to RPG him or torch him unless he's already badly damaged which is NOT very likely. When tanks come at you full force they know it's a one way ticket and just want to kill you so if you can't get away Shoot at them as much as you can with the guns, tell your squad mates and your team you're in trouble, spot the shit out of that tank but do *NOT* get out. Take it like a man and GET KILLED. You'll be back in the AA in a few seconds. Who cares. I've broken this rule a few times and sometimes I've lost the AA over it and it's pretty damm embarrassing not to mention shitty. My stupidity now means that my team has to shift their focus to helping me get the AA back and that makes me look like a full on noob. I hate that lol. SO DON'T DO IT!

16. EXTERNAL VIEW INTERNAL VIEW EXTERNAL VIEW INTERNAL VIEW... I am always toggling between these views because it allows me to see so much more and be aware of what's going on both so I can be there for my team and also to see what or who is coming around the next hill or bend. This is the most vital thing you can do. I've been accused of using an ESP hack because I know who's coming up behind me but believe me, when it comes to external view I am using it 80 percent of the time. the rest of the time I am in First person shooter view to fire and lead fire. It really does improve your situational awareness and game-play once you are comfortable using both views. Another thing that External view really helps with is driving the AA. We all know that going too fast over a bump could send your AA spinning in the opposite direction or pointing right at an enemy tank when that's the last place you want to be. External view allows you to drive better so you know when and where to slow down to make turns and get around obstacles.

17. NEVER STOP BEING THE AGGRESSOR!!!! OK so the jets and choppers have pushed you all the way back and have killed you a few times. Welcome to the world of being out played. does this mean you stop advancing? Hell no!!!! BE AGGESSIVE!!!! Don't give the chopper and jet whores the satisfaction of knowing that you are now afraid to come out of the base for fear of getting killed.... IT'S A GAME FOR FUCKS SAKE!!!! So you died, who cares. Get back in there and help your team. They need you and trust me, if you cower, they will show you just how stupid and useless you were. Don't be stupid or useless. BE AGGRESSIVE.

That's pretty much it and pretty much how I play. I do deviate from these rules every now and then but more often than not it has led to my demise lol. Have fun and see you in game


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great post, how do we make it mandatory reading to use the AA!

One thing i would add, put the fire extinguisher in your load out. should be automatic for the AA. the fire extinguisher does two things...

1. immediately mobilizes the AA after a hit which allows you so move out of the sightline of an attacking tank while it reloads
2. mobilizes the AA when less than 10 health AND starts rebuilding your health.

Yeah, ECM is nice WHEN IT WORKS!!!

good luck and good hunting!
Thanks guys,

Red_Dawn, I made some changes to reflect your tip, it's a great one. I'm gonna try FE again and see if I can work with it.

P.S. back in 2005 I chose the name Akula because I loved the movie Crimson tide :smile-new:
11. LEAD LEAD LEAD!!!!! Lead firing is sooooo important in the AA. It's what separates the men from the boys. If you don't know what lead firing is Google it! there's a lot of great info out there and way too much for me to get into but basically it means aim and shoot where the target WILL be and not where it is at. I can lead a jet high up in the air with an AR missile and at least cause it to deploy ECM/flares. This makes him stay all the way up there longer because you can bet he won't make an attack run without countermeasures at the ready. This is an art and a skill that you will improve with time as long as you practice it.

that reminds me of "Full Metal Jacket"


Crimson Tide was a great movie.

When Tom Clancy was doing research for Hunt for Red October, he and some of his production crew rode with us for about 2 weeks. Two weeks of Battlestations... Two weeks of emergency surface... Two weeks of fire drills, weapons drills, and flooding drills... but it was worth it, Clancy was a cool.
Crimson Tide was a great movie.

When Tom Clancy was doing research for Hunt for Red October, he and some of his production crew rode with us for about 2 weeks. Two weeks of Battlestations... Two weeks of emergency surface... Two weeks of fire drills, weapons drills, and flooding drills... but it was worth it, Clancy was a cool.

Holy shit good for you!!!! I would have loved to meet him. did you also get to meet Jerry Bruckheimer and Don Simpson? I think they were the producers.
Holy shit good for you!!!! I would have loved to meet him. did you also get to meet Jerry Bruckheimer and Don Simpson? I think they were the producers.

the only one i remember (other than Clancy) was John McTiernan. and i remember him asking all kinds of questions we could not answer because they were classified. it was an awesome 2 weeks... and honestly, I think Mancuso (CO of the Dallas) was based on my skipper, CMD Jay M Cohen. Jay would go on to become Head of Naval Research as an Admiral.... (think spook stuff....)
Good to see someone else wrote up an AA guide. I was worried I'd end up making one.

The one thing that could be included is rather server-exclusive, since the vehicle spawns are very fast: Be Aggressive. Just because a chopper dips behind some rocks, doesn't mean they're safe from you.
Great writeup. I would add one more thing....don't hesitate during respawn if you are good at the aa! Dang noobs like sitting and waiting for it to spawn and then the team gets blasted from the air until you can get it back.
your tutorial is awesome. I do not agree on the active radar that lets aircraft know they are coming. The passive missiles can be preshot they fly straight to where you shoot them and you CHOOSE when to light up the target . They are faster if you watch them fly sideways and will hit through chaff and flares at 200 meters disrtance.
They can be fired to the left right or above a target there is no tone or light up. when they are at the targets distance you then put the cursor on the target lighting it up.
The missles will turn and hit. EXAMPLE you are at flag Gulf the attack helo is over echo heading for charlie. you prefire towards charlie but a little to the left and and higher than the trees. When you walk the cursor to the chopper and it lights up the missles are already there they fly to the target and actually hit from behind. Stingers active radar work well I prefer the passive. I mean you no disrespect.....see you in the games
your tutorial is awesome. I do not agree on the active radar that lets aircraft know they are coming. The passive missiles can be preshot they fly straight to where you shoot them and you CHOOSE when to light up the target . They are faster if you watch them fly sideways and will hit through chaff and flares at 200 meters disrtance.
They can be fired to the left right or above a target there is no tone or light up. when they are at the targets distance you then put the cursor on the target lighting it up.
The missles will turn and hit. EXAMPLE you are at flag Gulf the attack helo is over echo heading for charlie. you prefire towards charlie but a little to the left and and higher than the trees. When you walk the cursor to the chopper and it lights up the missles are already there they fly to the target and actually hit from behind. Stingers active radar work well I prefer the passive. I mean you no disrespect.....see you in the games

That's a great point. I tried passive and hated it just because I'm too accustomed to a fire and forget solution. The difference here may be that i'm not missile dependent. I fire the first one to get the target to deploy countermeasures and then lay into him with guns. All this is done to suppress the air threats and if I destroy them in the process GREAT, ifnot then game-on lol. This is why if you're up against me in the jet and tried to dip low south of the F flag in Golmud you might be wondering how the hell I'm still nailing you with guns while most AA drivers would give up. It's only because I can still see you (barely) and I'm lead firing like a mother fucker to try to keep you away. I don't expect to kill you from those distances but I do expect you to stay way a little longer while your jet heals.
Personally, I use Actives, because of the fire-and-forget nature of the weapon. Which can be incredibly useful when dealing with multiple targets. If you have a chopper and a jet bearing down on you at the same time, passives and heatseekers leave you SoL. However, shooting one off at either target often gets them to veer drastically off-course. after firing their ECM. It's a very common practice for pilots of all skill.
Personally, I use Actives, because of the fire-and-forget nature of the weapon. Which can be incredibly useful when dealing with multiple targets. If you have a chopper and a jet bearing down on you at the same time, passives and heatseekers leave you SoL. However, shooting one off at either target often gets them to veer drastically off-course. after firing their ECM. It's a very common practice for pilots of all skill.

100% agreed. AA is for air suppression not air superiority. That's what the stealth jet is for. Man if only all the players thought like the military guys lol

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